“Cardinia Shire Council is one of the 7 growth corridors of Melbourne, so there is continual pressure on our service delivery.”
CEO | Cardinia Shire Council
The Back Story
The Back Story
The constituency of Cardinia Shire was expected to double over the next decade. A hugely diverse community.
Cardinia identified that their strategic and cultural objectives would be realised by developing a workstyle that supported the following attributes:
- Connection + Cohesion
- Mobile + Dynamic
- Operational Excellence
- Engagement
Cardinia were the first local government in Australia to adopt ABW in 2014.
Watch the Cardinia Shire ABW Story
A story of change focused on a smarter and better way to work and collaborate. To provide a better service to the people living in Cardinia Shire. The City Council of Cardinia shire is the first City Council in Australia going Activity Based Working.
The Challenge
Cardinia identified a number of challenges that a new way of working and new work place could help them overcome:
- Staff not connecting beyond their own teams. There were parts of the organisation that never saw each other, let along get to know or talk to each other
- The organisational culture not supporting trust as well as it could
- Flexibility, creativity and innovation were hampered by aspects of the culture
- Staff engagement was low, resulting in restricted level of discretionary effort and contribution beyond the boundaries of job roles
The Result
Post-move survey results indicated a positive shift in all key attributes:
Connected & Cohesive
- Leaders role modelling key behaviours
- More connection being on-site to wider organisation
- More opportunity to do things instantaneously and make decisions quicker
- Meeting more people across the organisation
Mobile & Dynamic
- Supported to be flexible and mobile through environment and flexibility agreements
- 10 years additional growth built in to workspace
Quality Engagement
- Real conversations
- Increased sense of energy
- Building and facility improvement
- 68% of staff feel they are more productive
- Reduced staff turn over from 13% to 7%
Operational Excellence
- Increased organisation training
- More efficient at getting process, and focus work done
- Paper use reduced by 70%
- Print reduction estimated $34k per year saving
“We looked at Activity Based Working as the platform to make the organisation more agile, being able to really respond a lot quicker to customer expectation.”
Project Director ABW | Cardinia Shire Council
“Everyone has very different views about how we are working, we’re a siloed organisation. We need to start looking beyond own patch and think collectively about what is best for the community.”
Spoken by a participant of the Executive Workshop with Veldhoen + Company
“As a CEO, I have never doubted that this was the way of the future.”
CEO | Cardinia Shire Council
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Ultimately, we will work with you to create a unique culture and environment where people will have the space to thrive, the freedom to genuinely connect with one another and will proudly work as a part of your organisation.